Agro-Fuel Investments
Lusaka, Zambia
ICT technician – Akhil Surati
Agro-Fuel Investments Limited is a leading international freight haulage company specialised in cargo transportation. The Company operates a fleet of 100 heavy duty and long-distance haulage trucks with a haulage capacity of 3000 metric tons with both local and international routes.
Agro-Fuel consistently suffers from the issues originating due to fuel theft, theft of goods and also from the civil penalties/fines due to illegal transportation of people in the trucks.
“Margins are low in the transportation business and therefore we cannot afford to lose money through fuel theft, theft of cargo or illegal activities of our drivers.
Therefore we were looking for a telematics system that can support our ongoing efforts of minimizing the costs arising from theft and illegal transportation of people.”
With the help of our robust mechanism by way of inViu pro software, Agro-Fuel was able to curb the entire theft related concerns including the illegal transportation of humans. The complete system coupled with ENAiKOON fuel tracker software enabled the company to optimise their fleet management system by way of real-time theft alerts. Moreover, the company opted to go one step beyond the ENAiKOON’s inViu pro web portal by integrating the flow-meter based surveillance on an additional safari tank. This particular system was installed on the majority of the trucks for the purpose of extended travel distances without the need of refuelling the fuel tanks.
One part of Agro-Fuel’s fleet travels through the areas where there is limited network reception or no GSM coverage. To cope up with this limiting factor with minimal network coverage disorder and to receive fuel/cargo theft alerts in real-time, ENAiKOON installed and integrated this specific fleet with Inmarsat devices in addition to the GSM modems. The system helps the company’s fleet to switch and migrate in between the GSM and satellite reception as per the availability of the network during transportation in remote areas.
With the inViu pro software application, you can instantly receive alerts in case of fuel theft or cargo theft or in case of illegal transportation of humans:
– the two cameras (one for the cargo / tanks and one for the driver cabin) automatically capture still images each time a special incident is recognized
– the seat contacts allow sending a report in real-time on the instance of unauthorised occupancy of seats inside the driver’s cabin.
This allows executing predefined measure plans and significantly reduces the costs arising from the above mentioned problems.
The following devices, accessories, applications, and plugins were used for this solution: